Believers of a less ridiculous conspiracy theory often wrongly claim that a more ridiculous one, like flat Earth, is a psyop or controlled opposition intentionally created by the authorities to undermine and discredit all the other conspiracy theories.
In reality, conspiracy theories like flat-Earth can form due to ignorance, emotion, and prejudice. It is not necessary to invent a conspiracy theory to explain the existence of another. Moreover, all conspiracy theories are more similar than different from each other, including flat-Earth. They differ only in the severity of ignorance, emotion, and prejudice needed for someone to become a victim of a specific conspiracy theory.
at-Earth communities around the globe are separated by country borders, language barriers, prominent religions, the leading figures, etc. As a result, they form several loosely-knitted but distinct denominations. Because flat-Earth is believed, not based on facts, each of the different factions invents and endorses different sets of “explanations” and talking points. All of them only agree on a single thing, that Earth is flat, but they cannot agree on practically everything else.
Many flat-Earthers would incorrectly dismiss our explanations as a strawman. In reality, we address flat-Earth misinformation from all denominations, and we might address ones that do not exist in their specific denomination. These are, however, still flat-Earth misinformation that people might fall for and worth debunking.
There is perhaps no greater Internet-wide PSYOP than the CIA-directed Flat Earth Conspiracy (FEC). This covert black operation has London's notorious Tavistock Institute written all over it.
The Millennium Report has posted extensively on this extremely effective PSYOP since its inception. We have felt compelled to address it one last time because of a number of prominently configured truth-tellers who either subscribe to the FEC utter nonsense or who provide a safe haven to discuss their absurd and distracting 'theories'.
How is it that some major alternative news websites even host the ridiculous ramblings of Flat Earthers ... ... ... unless they, themselves, have been set up to do so? If ever there was a universal hot-button issue on the World Wide Web that ought to send up big bright RED flags, any website or blog that takes this mental diarrhea seriously is it. Unless they are totally exposing the FEC for the wacky (yet contrived) insanity that it truly is, why even go there.
No one is saying that the current scientific paradigm that involves both astrophysics and astronomy is not full of holes. Nor is there any reason to stop questioning every aspect of those various disciplines of modern science which have been shown to fall short ... some woefully short of the mark. However, the FEC was designed from the get-go to take any rational discussion into a completely irrational direction.
Really, who doesn't know by now that NASA will lie and misrepresent whenever it behooves them to maintain their New World DisOrder? Are the sane and rational among us going to throw the baby out with the bath water because of perennial NASA prevarication?
My notes:
Flat Earthers often cite The Bible because it mentions a Firmament. The Bible also mentions a great deal of mythology within the Golden Age that no longer has any application to today, nevertheless they seize on any mentions of the Firmament. As mentioned thoroughly in Saturnian Cosmology Theory, the Firmament USED TO EXIST and no longer does today. You can look up in the sky day or night to verify. So what did the bible reference? It referenced The Absu also called "The Abyss" or Firmament in the Christian Bible. This 'seal' represented multiple outer layers of Saturn's plasma sheath and appeared to humans as obscuring equatorial rings of a cosmic 'sea' in the southern sky.
Another reference point for the FE 'movement' is the spanish maps from the 16th Century which show a great earth barrier of mountains encircling an apparently flat Earth map. While the Spanish spanned the Globe in those years and knew the Earth was round, they didn't know what laid beyond the 'arctic wall'. The reason is - those locations were unapproachable (land of Fire) as the native 'indians' of Antarctica would light great forests fires to keep the Spanish Conquistadors away. Also at the time Newtonian Physics was gaining in popularity among the elites (including Map Makers) and it was insisted that the Southern region of the Earth must have as much land as the North. For this reason, the mapmakers envisioned a huge southern barrier of land which does not exist in reality. Antarctica does have giant ice walls taller than the Eifel Tower, but they are not as massive as the Spanish imagined.
The Flat Earth movement continues to grow at an insane rate. Everyone has heard about Flat Earth, but still nearly nobody debates Hollow Earth or Saturnian Cosmology, even though both explain the Firmament and everything else in the Bible TO A T. For this reason, many many many theorists have concluded long ago that the Flat Earth movement, which is absolutely sponsored by rich corporations, is a Controlled Opposition project with a desperate motivation to hide the truth available to all of us. Their only play left is to mock our entire debate community and make sure it is only ever represented by the irritating dogmatic personalities of Flat Earth 'believers'.



