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Note: This section is **a work in progress**. Check back soon for more updates!

Fake List

Earth Chronology: Roman Empire Never Existed

Covid19 was a simulated fake pandemic

Nuclear Bombs are Fake

Apollo Missions

Big Bang is Fake (Universe was always there)

Dark Matter/Energy is Fake (Electromagnetism is real)

SpaceTime is Fake. That should be obvious

List of Fake FalseFlag attacks in History

List of Controlled Opposition Agents in the Media

Rise of the Global Police State








There must be something in books

There must be something in books, things we can’t imagine, 
to make a woman stay in a burning house; there must be something there. You don’t stay for nothing.'”
Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451

By Geri Roberts

Two years ago, before The Great Virus Hoax, I dragged a sack of clothes into the laundromat, stuffed them into a machine with detergent and then found a seat among the other patrons. There is a point to all this rambling. I need to set the stage, so please keep reading.

Seated comfortably, I pulled a book from my purse and started to read. Some women keep makeup, laptops, snacks and clean underwear in their purses. I keep a supply of books. After a few minutes I looked up and found a young man, about junior high age, standing in front of me. He was staring at me with his head to one side, as rapt as if a second head was growing out of my neck.

"Is that good?" He asked, indicating the book.

I don't remember the title, only that it was science fiction. I showed it to him, said it wasn't the best I had ever read, but I would recommend it. The boy smiled politely, his eyes shifting from side to side the way people's eyes do when they realize they are talking to a crazy person Then he sidled across the room back to his family.

This is certainly the first time in his life this youngster has seen anybody reading a book of their own free will. This kind of thing has happened to me with increasing frequency over the past decade or so; on buses, in lunchrooms, waiting rooms and in stores (I always read while waiting in line). Magazines used to be available in public waiting areas. Now people just sit and play with their phones. I'm honestly not sneering at the prevalent use of cellphones. As Seinfeld says "Not that there's anything wrong with THAT."

Just about the only thing us "conspiracy theorists" or "Truthers" or whatever we call ourselves can agree upon is that there is something going wrong with our world. Even the most ardent believer in the status quo like my brother-in-law Daniel (please see my article "Wake Up, Neo" if you have an overwhelming urge to read more about Daniel) will reluctantly admit "Well, yeah. All this stuff happening can't be good." I have to add that when Daniel helped us move, he looked around at the boxes and boxes of books and asked me why I didn't just throw them all out and get a Kindle. I could then keep the house cleaner. He was serious.

And we can also all can agree pretty much that some kind of secret cabal or Nefarious Elite, as I like to call them, are running things around here and have infiltrated the governments that we have supposedly chosen to lead us.

Don't ever forget that these hidden creatures are masters of human psychology. They know us better than we know ourselves, and that has been engineered on purpose. And the easiest way to do this is to keep us from reading books. Keep us away from the minds of other humans, away from their discoveries and ideas and thoughts. Everything that makes us all human beings together. The masks and "social distancing" (Dear God in Heaven, how I hate that word!) are but the Nefarious Elite's latest joke on us. And believe me, they are all laughing hysterically about it. But this censorship is even more damaging to us as a species.

But, you protest, that's not true. We can read anything we want, order any book off the internet, go into Barnes & Noble (in a mask) and buy any book or magazine. This is America. Nobody censors literature.

I used to think that too. Then several years ago I tried to buy a book on Amazon about Sandy Hook by Jim Fetzer that I KNEW I had seen listed for sale. It was gone. I called them and a stuttering customer service representative assured me no such book existed. Or had ever existed. I must have imagined the whole thing. She acted as if I was calling from the Planet Wookie. In the end, I only got to read the book because Fetzer posted it online so people could read it for free.

Since then Amazon has been unlisting hundreds, maybe thousands of books. And they do it sneakily, hiding listings or taking them off and then putting them back on and then off again. They will even remove books you have already purchased on your Kindle. This is why I refuse to use ebooks.

The despicable minds in the Great River have come up with another way to keep certain books out of a reader's hands. Some books, usually on conspiracies (of course), spirituality, alternative history, criticism and other topics that seem unrelated have had their prices raised to three or four figures. And these are books still in print and available elsewhere at much lower prices.

I called Amazon (yes, I'm a glutton for punishment) and asked them why Robots' Rebellion by David Icke was over eight hundred dollars when it could be purchased on Alibris for about twenty dollars. The only answer I could pry out of them was that Amazon intended to stand by its pricing. Well, that clears THAT up! I finally got tired of torturing low level Amazon employees and hung up.

A probable reason for this price ju-ju is to encourage people to buy Kindle books. The David Icke book on Kindle sells for $7.99. This will allow the cyborgs running Amazon to simply remove whatever books they wish from your device. Or even delete things from inside the book.

I don't know what is going on in schools regarding books and reading. From the evidence, I don't think it is good. I'm very thankful my son is an adult and I don't have to take him out of school and teach him myself. Which I would do,

The Nefarious Elite are too smart to send men in black uniforms running into your homes to drag out all your books, spray them with kerosene, and burn them on your front lawn. They are developing more efficient methods that we don't even notice.

However, this home book policing might occur in the future. Who can tell? If so, I hope I'm dead by then. If not, I fully intend to stand with my books and we'll all go up in flames together.

By the way, please don't get in touch with me regarding David Icke. I mention his book not to get into the question of his veracity but simply as an example. And my house definitely would be much cleaner if I got rid of my books and stopped wasting time reading. But that's not going to happen.


Suppressed Tech Chat:
































The Plan for Countering Criticism

Note: This investigation is **a work in progress**. Check back soon for more updates!


By Dan L. Hardway © October 26, 2017 (Revised October 30, 2017)

"As we go into the hysteria of a massive JFK document dump, there is one remarkably surviving document that has already been released that we should keep in mind – especially when reading news coverage of the documents scheduled for release under the JFK Records Collection Act.

The Plan for Countering Criticism

"On April 1, 1967, the Head of the Covert Action Staff of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) sent a dispatch to many of the CIA stations and bases around the world. That the document survived may be remarkable as it is clearly marked as “Destroy when no longer needed.” Or, then again, maybe it is not remarkable that it has not been destroyed because the government and intelligence community’s efforts to silence those who question the official story about John Kennedy’s murder has never succeeded and, hence, the dispatch remains ‘needed’ from their viewpoint.

"The dispatch lays out a plan for defending the lone nut theory first advanced as the major theme of the government cover-up of the assassination investigation. The dispatch labels people who question the lone nut theory as “conspiracy theorists.” It plainly states the purpose of the dispatch “is to provide material for countering and discrediting the claims of the conspiracy theorists
. Our play should point out, as applicable, that the critics are (i) wedded to theories adopted before the evidence was in, (ii) politically interested, (iii) financially interested, (iv) hasty and inaccurate in their research, or (v) infatuated with their own theories.” It goes on to suggest that critics be countered by advancing arguments such as that they have produced no new evidence, that they overvalue some evidence while ignoring other evidence, that large scale conspiracies are “impossible to conceal in the United States,” that Oswald would not have been any “sensible person’s choice for a co-conspirator”, and by pointing out the comprehensive work of the Warren Commission which was composed of men “chosen for their integrity, experience, and prominence.”

The Plan in Hindsight

"Many of the claims in the dispatch are ludicrous in hindsight, but are still parroted by main stream media sources. We’ve seen them trotted out by lone nut theory defenders every time there has been a major breakthrough in the assassination investigation. As I’ll discuss below, we are already seeing some of these “plays” (as the dispatch calls them) already before the JFK document release and I suspect we’ll see a lot more of them in the coming days. Let’s start by looking at the possible validity of the plays.

"At this point in time, fifty-four years after the assassination and fifty-three years after the publication of the Warren Report, there are researchers, analysts, historians, attorneys and many others who have been researching this case for most of that time. Many of them do not advance “theories” about what happened, but rather try to find and analyze the facts that have been hidden for so long and ask questions about what they mean. Let’s be clear here; current researchers, analysts, historians and others (hereinafter, researchers) are not wedded to theories that were adopted before the evidence was in. But, let’s step back for a moment and examine prior government investigations. The cover-up of the assassination began on Air Force One as it flew back to D.C. from Dallas. The seeds are there in the released transcripts of Lyndon Johnson’s telephone calls. If the standard is waiting to see all the evidence, then the Warren Commission, the first government investigatory effort, is totally discredited. Researchers have proved beyond any reasonable argument or doubt that not only did the Warren Commission not have all the evidence in before issuing their report, the very investigating agencies upon whom they relied actively conspired to keep evidence from them – just as they have, and still do, actively conspired to keep the evidence from the American people. Lone nut theorists appear to be the ones wedded to the theory adopted before the evidence is in and doing all they can to spin the evidence as it comes out to try to shore up support for their theories.

"Now, let’s look at the political interest and financial interest argument relied upon by the CIA to counter so-called ‘conspiracy theorists’. Arguing that the Warren Commission members, its supporters since, and those covering up the evidence and resisting release of documentation, were not politically or financially interested in the cover-up should be accepted as facially absurd at this point. Even in 1967, the CIA dispatch openly admits to such interest, pointing out that opinion polls showing that more than half of the public was questioning the Warren Commission’s lone nut theory reflects a “trend of opinion [that] is a matter of concern to the U.S. Government, including our organization.” Questioning the rectitude and wisdom of the members of the Warren Commission would “tend to cast doubt on the whole leadership of American society.” An “increasing tendency to hint that President Johnson himself, as the one person who might be said to have benefited”ii could implicate him. Such concerns “affects not only the individual concerned, but also the whole reputation of the American government.”iii

"The Chief of Covert Action then acknowledges the Agency’s own interest: “Our organization itself is directly involved: among other facts, we contributed information to the investigation.” Indeed, they also covered-up information, as they have now admitted.iv The Agency’s concern, one that continues to this day, is plainly stated: the conspiracy theories expose them to “suspicion on our organization, for example by falsely alleging that Lee Harvey Oswald worked for us.” The CIA’s main personal, if you will, stake in covering up and countering criticism has always been to deflect any possible focus on their relationship to the purported lone-nut assassin.

"Next, let’s review the hasty and inaccurate in their research argument. How many documents are about to be released that have never been seen? And who is it that is sure of their theory? What can we say now about critics who for over fifty years have called for the release of all the information so that the American people can see and judge for themselves?

"Arguing that there is no new evidence is like standing in front of a camel and insisting it is a horse. New evidence has dribbled out now over the decades, in small manageable doses that can be dismissed as disconnected by the lone-nut theorists. And the blatant hubris of the argument is astounding. These are people who can suppress the evidence and taunt you because you don’t have it! It’s like prosecuting attorneys in criminal cases who refuse to reveal exculpatory evidence while simultaneously shifting the burden of proof to the accused. And as for the weighing all the evidence argument, how do you expect that to go if you control the evidence and only let the evidence out that supports your theory? Convenient. And if someone else does come up with a fact that contradicts your lone-nut theory, you can always deny it even though you know your suppressed evidence supports it. Given those facts, can anyone question why there has been such resistance by the Agency to full disclosure.

"Then, there is the conspiracy theories can’t be hidden in America argument: Can anyone credibly make that argument after the history the last four decades? That’s why J. Edgar Hoover was able to do all that he did to undermine American civil liberties for fifty years without exposure that wouldn’t have even come then had there not been a break-in at a small FBI field office in Media, Pennsylvania.v MKULTRA wasn’t as successful. It was only covered up for 25 years or so, as was the CIA programs to save and use ex-Nazi scientists and intelligence officers after the Second World War. Actually, all that needs to be said in rebuttal is that for 50 years the CIA and our government vehemently denied that there was a conspiracy to keep information from the Warren Commission. It is a prime tenet and support of the lone-nut theorists. In spite of the denials, finally, three years ago, the Agency in their internal secret magazine, in an article written by their official historian, admitted there was such a conspiracy, although they called it benignvi. We’ll return to this in a bit.

"Next, we have a point we will concede: Oswald as a co-conspirator. We agree that Oswald was not the person that a rational leader might choose as a co-conspirator. But, is he one that a rational person might choose as a patsy? — an entirely different question. Remember, that being a patsy was Oswald’s claim in one of the few brief encounters he had with the press. That claim would have been, presumably, a major theme developed by competent defense lawyers had he lived long enough to be tried. But the lone-nut theorists dismiss that possibility out of hand. Nothing to see here, folks, just move on. There was no investigation of this in the hasty Warren Commission investigation that led to the establishment of the lone-nut theory.

"As far as the Warren Commission membership goes, we will concede their then-prominence, but we must wonder, in light of the evidence that has become available since, about their integrity and experience as support for the integrity of their work. Allen Dulles was the head of the CIA fired by President Kennedy. His collusion with the CIA in the pendency of the Warren Commission is shown in documents that have been released in the last few years. He passed out a book to Commission members at their first meeting taking the position that American assassins are always lone-nuts. Earl Warren was coerced into serving against his will by Lyndon Johnson. Johnson used the supposed threat of nuclear war in convincing him to serve. Gerald Ford was in J. Edgar Hoover’s pocket. John J. McCloy was steeped in the intelligence community and was almost single handedly responsible for the end of prosecution of Nazi war criminals and the early release of those who had already been convicted when he became the High Commissioner for post-war Germany. Richard Russell, Jr., and Hale Boggs both privately rejected the Warren Commission’s lone nut theory, as did Lyndon Johnson, Robert F. Kennedy, Jacqueline Kennedy and many, many others. But the conspiracy of silence took years to break, and when broken, the revelations came out piecemeal and were dismissed at the time as insignificant, old news – just conspiracy theorists.










“you must stretch your own imagination, rouse yourself from mental lethargy, and be bold enough to discard old dogmatic comfort blankets.”

― Jane Roberts, The “Unknown” Reality, Volume Two

The Comfort Blanket Theory Of Conspiracy

By Geri Roberts

One of the bad things about growing old is looking back over all the utterly, totally asinine things you used to say and do. And because you are old and people usually at least pretend to respect old age, they'll pretend to listen to you tell them about these things. Then they go off and say and do the exact same things you warned them about. And that's okay, because people have to learn things for themselves. But I've decided to write some of these embarrassing things down so that perhaps they'll stick in some younger person's head somewhere and do some good. What I am writing about belongs on a "conspiracy" website because the word "conspiracy" is, in my opinion, shorthand for finding out that our reality is constructed almost totally of lies and if we believe all these lies we are in for trouble..

I came of age in the 1960s and 1970s and I am sure that I was the only person to go through high school and college in those days without even once using an illicit substance. I wouldn't have known one if I had seen it. Many girls my age explored free love in a hippie commune. I made plans to enter a Trappestine Monastery outside of Boston. For my birthday in 1980 one of my employees gave me a gift-wrapped joint as a joke. I was so convinced that the DEA had me under surveillance that I didn't rest until I could flush it down the toilet. I considered Nancy Reagan's "War on Drugs" a brilliant idea that would restore our society to decency.

By 2010 my life had crashed and burned so many times that I knew I was doing something wrong. My view of the world had been my comfort blanket but it was no longer comfortable. I decided I needed to completely reconstruct my paradigm of reality because something was not working right. So I told my good friend Patrick that I "wanted to do drugs." To his credit he didn't burst out laughing but only asked "Are you sure?" No, I wasn't sure. I was terribly afraid. But I knew that I had to do something about myself or I was going to take a stroll off the roof of a very tall building. My comfort blanket was beginning to suffocate me.

Patrick presented me with something called cannabis butter with instructions for using it, which I ignored. I knew how to cook, after all. I tried some on a cracker. An hour later nothing had happened so I ate some more. Still nothing happened so I took some more and still nothing happened so I took more...I think you know where this is going.

I finally wandered into the living room and put on a Jane Austen movie. Suddenly, something hit me on the side of the face. It was the seat cushions of the sofa which I had toppled over onto. And then I noticed that all the actors and actresses in "Pride and Prejudice" had new faces. Why, of course! Jane Austen had sent the original characters into her future so that they could star in this twenty-first century movie. Wow!

I know all this is funny but I have a serious purpose in telling you about it. Approximately twenty years previously I had undergone reconstructive surgery on my face. My bottom jaw was literally held together by screws and nails and I had no feeling in the bottom half of my face. Eating in public was embarrassing because the food tended to fall out my mouth whilst it was being chewed. I constantly bit my tongue and inner surface of my mouth and had difficulty talking. It felt as if my lower face was perpetually injected with Novocain. Of all the events in my life, I often felt that this was the one that would push me over the edge although it doesn't sound that crippling to someone who never experienced it. A series of doctors had all given the same verdict: The mandibular nerve had been severed and I would be this way for the rest of my life. At times I didn't think I could bear it.

That evening, as I laid there on the sofa watching "Pride and Prejudice" a lattice of bluish light appeared in front of my eyes. I knew that I was looking at a real time diagram of my mandibular nerve and that it was regenerating itself. The tracing of light settled down over my lower face, which began to tingle. For the first time in two decades I had feeling in my mouth. I could eat and talk easily. There were a few small spots of numbness here and there but I didn't hesitate to call it a miracle. And it has been this way ever since.

This was important stuff. Nerves do not regenerative once they are severed. Even if my mandibular nerve had merely been compressed all these years, a sudden recovery like this was incredible. So, against my better judgement, I decided to tell my family doctor about this. She should know that cannabis had great healing potential for nerves. But she did exactly what I feared: She looked at me very sternly and asked why in the world I would do something like this. She began to write busily in my chart and I knew exactly what she was saying because I had worked in doctors' offices for over thirty years years and I know how they think.. She was putting in my medical record words to the effect: DRUG USER. DRUGGIE. DO NOT PRESCRIBE ANYTHING STRONGER THAN TYLENOL EVEN IF PATIENT CLAIMS TO BE IN AGONIZING PAIN.

It was hard to obtain the edibles but I managed to take them once more. I had yet another marvelous experience. The designs on my bedroom wall paper became time machines that allowed me to look back into my childhood bedroom. I saw experiences I had had as a child from a new viewpoint. They became merely stories that I had written and had never really happened to me. I had a feeling of peace and serenity about those memories for a long time afterwards. It was as if the memories themselves had been healed.

I next tried LSD but I think I had a bad trip. I was locked up in a big, dark house with the Bronte sisters. The doors and windows were all locked and the Brontes tried to help me get out but then I realized that they had tricked me and locked everything down themselves so I would stay and read their books, which I had always hated. I decided never to take the stuff again.

Patrick also gave me some psilocybin mushrooms. Nothing happened even though I ate about twenty of the wretched things. Patrick said there was something wrong with that crop and I think the mushroom farmer went out of business.

But there is more to my cannabis experience. When I was in high school a friend asked me to go to a psychic reading with her. I didn't want to go because I was in my religious fanatic stage and I just knew that demons had to be involved somehow. But the psychic lady didn't charge anything and so I was talked into it.

We all sat in a classroom at the local college. There were about ten or twelve of us. The psychic lady sat at the teacher's desk and gave readings on people she said she could "see". Next to me sat a very pretty girl about my age. She was told that many people loved her and a boy was making her a beautiful woodworking object, but she was ungrateful and didn't appreciate anything that was ever done for her. I thought the girl was going to spit nails, she was so angry.

My friend was told that she was psychic herself and she should be sitting up front giving readings with her. I started to smirk then stopped when I saw the psychic was looking at me. For a minute I was terrified that she was going to see what a horrible person I really was and predict that something very bad was going to happen to me.

But the psychic lady's face lit up as she looked at me and she smiled. She told me that I had healing hands and she could see blue sparks pour out from my fingertips. She told me that if I wanted to I could heal people.

Later I laughed this off as I did anything outside my comfort blanket area. But now I believe that the cannabis really didn't heal me--it just helped me to heal myself. And if I had put some investigation and work into what that woman had told me that I was capable of doing, my life might have been much different and I might even have helped other people.

So that's my cautionary tale about comfort blankets. If people want to call me a 'Conspiracy Theorist" because I've discovered that the world and my own body are vastly different from what I once believed, that's fine. I'm not telling anybody to take drugs. Just unwrap that comfort blanket and stick your head or a foot out once in a while. You might be surprised.


































“...disbelief in magic can force a poor soul into believing in government and business....”

― Tom Robbins, Even Cowgirls Get the Blues

Magic and the Silly People

by Geri Roberts

After sixty years of studying mainstream, accepted history, I can tell you that the most interesting parts are the things it doesn't tell you Historians will say the same kind of thing over and over in their papers and books. This is called a narrative. This narrative will then be hammered into the ordinary, unsuspecting person via novels, magazines, movies and TV shows. If you are willing to back up, look at these things and ask yourself the scholarly question: "What the fuck is THAT?" you might get the answers to some interesting questions. Or, more realistically, just decide that you have found some interesting questions that will never be answered.

The mainstream narrative about magic is startling when you take a good look at it. Isn't it curious how both science and religion say exactly the same thing about magic? As if they are secretly in chahoots together. Look back over your years in grade school or sitting in the pews of a church. You were constantly lectured on how a belief in magic was either totally unscientific or a one-way ticket to hell. Nobody believes in magic any more, you were told over and over by just about everybody. So why was it being talked about so much....Hmmmm? Why was it necessary to constantly point out to us how silly our ancestors were to have believed in astrology, alchemy, fairies and, dare I say it, magic?

Were our ancestors really silly? These people survived in a world far removed from our sanitary, comfortable and food-filled society. I have no doubt that if I were magically transported back in time to the Ireland of my great-great grandparents, I would be dead in a month unless my silly ancestors felt like helping me out. Which they probably couldn't because I would be a useless burden. I couldn't cook without a modern oven, sew, knit, spin wool or weave cloth on a loom, butcher and care for farm animals or brew beer or make soap and candles. Even doing laundry would be beyond me because many of the clothes had to be picked apart at the seams so the different materials could be washed separately with appropriate soaps and then carefully stitched back together. Maybe I could manage to iron a few things before sustaining third degree burns from the irons kept red hot on top of the stove.. I might be able to work in the fields for a half hour or so before my hands started bleeding and I fainted from exhaustion.

If our ancestors were able to see their descendants scurrying around all day with masks tied over their faces, I suspect they might wonder just who the silly people really were. Or are. My tenses are getting all mixed up, but you know what I mean. .

Our concept of magic would be alien to these people we call "primitive". Our attitude toward magic who strike them as childish and alarmingly unsophisticated. Our ancestors didn't believe in the supernatural. What we call the supernatural was part of their every day lives. It was right there next to them and could always be accessed for good and for ill. They lived surrounded by invisible but very real beings who were either benevolent or maleficent. The latter were always trying to steal their souls and energy, their treasure and land and destroy their families. . And who were these maleficent beings?

I think they were the same maleficent beings who today surround us, control our lives, steal our money and our energy and try to destroy our families. Sound familiar? And it looks like they already have any land we still own via the banking/mortgage system.

Most people back then lived in the countryside or in small towns. They knew what the sky looked like during all seasons and what phase the moon was in on any given day and what the weather would be the next day. Certain seeds were planted in certain phases of the moon and picked at certain times, which was what the farmer's almanac was all about. There were no rich people, but no very poor people either because everybody helped one another since they knew everybody would help them when needed.

Houses were built only after the land was carefully examined for certain signs and omens from the other world. Black ants seen in the dirt were good luck, red ants bad luck. A tiny house might be built and left at the proposed site over night. If a beetle was found atop it the next day, that was a most excellent omen! Their entire lives were lived in this fashion, in constant interaction with that other world.

These people firmly believed in this way of life and led it for generations. And then, somehow, they stopped believing in their own magic, in themselves. Why?

I can think of lots of answers and I was going to start listing them. Then I thought "Why bother?" Anybody reading this knows enough about "conspiracies" to know the answers, too. These maleficent beings tricked our forebears somehow. The real puzzle for me is: What do we do now?

My opinion is that we need to figure out exactly what magic is and make sure that nobody ever takes it away from us again. Of course, we can't really lose magic because it is what makes us--us. We just forget about it until we wake up one morning and realize that the world is fucked and everybody is running around with masks on their faces and some men claim it is their constitutional right to use women's bathrooms. .

The Great Beast himself, Aleister Crowley, defined magic as "the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will." This is exactly the pompously deceptive and sarcastically misleading statement the Crawling One would make. He even sticks a "k" on the end to make his followers think he has come up with something new, that you have to DO magic(k) to make magic(k) Crowley liked nothing better than to tell his followers to do the most outrageous, vile and dangerous things, then sit back and laugh when they actually were stupid enough to listen to him. Notice I don't say that this kind of magic(k) doesn't work in a certain fashion. Only that it is so degrading to the humans who practice it that their teachers are endlessly entertained.

On the other hand, we humans make our own brand of magic simply by being ourselves. By building homes and cathedrals, raising families, sewing clothes and baking cookies. Also by painting, and writing poetry, music and stories, breeding dogs, playing the guitar, sculpting statues, dancing Swan Lake and so on. We are endlessly creative. Any human who wants to be a magician is already one simply by being himself. There is no need to be summoned to Hogwarts' School of Wizardry. We Muggles possess more power in our little fingertips than Albus Dumbledore and Voldemort combined.

Entertaining as the Harry Potter stories are, this is the true danger they present. They tell our children that they must stop being human in order to "perform magic". And the stories neglect to mention that when you do "perform magic" it gives you nothing that will make you happy. It opens a bottomless pit inside you that will always remain a yawning, running sore no matter how many material things and power you try to fill it with.

I believe that the Nefarious Elite right now find themselves impaled on the horns of a dilemma. .They are attracted by our creative power and crave it for themselves, but at same time they are terrified of it. They are Chronos devouring their own children. .To feed off us they need to control us, but to do that they must trick us into giving up the creativity, or human magic, that protects us. They have to destroy what they desire in order to steal it, and they never figure this out.

So it seems the Nefarious Elite are finally getting full control of us. They are getting ready to sit down at the global table and scarf up all that juicy human energy, joy and creativity they have rounded up. But what is actually waiting for them on their fine china plates? Dried up zombies afflicted with the same mindless vacuity and greed of their "masters." This meal will taste terrible and provide no nourishment. In fact, it is poisonous. The Nefarious Elite will have no idea what has happened. They never do. This scenario has probably played out over and over on many planets or dimensions or on whatever stages this drama is being played out. .

The following theory has been popping in and out of my head all morning. I tried to ignore it because it is a little too cute and tidy for my taste. Yet there is a ring of truth about it so I'll present it and do with it what you will. Here is my theory::

Maybe this reality is not all about us. Maybe we have things backwards. The prisoners on this prison planet are not us humans. We come here and pretend to be weak and powerless so the inmates can experiment on us and, we hope, finally understand the true nature of this universe. We are much like kindergarten teachers who kneel down on the rug to play with the children but to do this believably we have to completely forget we are adults. I keep thinking of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, where the two mighty wizards, Sauron and Saruman, were in the end defeated by a walking party of plump little hobbits who preferred a good meal and a pipe of weed to a kingdom full of gold.

Yes, it would be nice if all this suffering going on was for a higher purpose. It's hard to keep that in mind, however, when you are the person suffering. All us Muggles and hobbits can only do our best to figure out what is going on and not spend our lives acting like frightened ostriches with our heads buried in the sand. I've spend lots of time with my head in the sand and, trust me, it doesn't help. Eventually you have to pull it out.

What was I talking about? Oh--magic! How we are being conditioned to believe that it is all fictional and only silly people believe that it works while all the time the Nefarious Elite practice it assiduously. They want us to give up our own magic, the same way the government is trying to get us to hand over our guns. "It's for your own protection!" they say earnestly. "Those nasty guns can hurt you." They want us to believe that giving them the things that protect us will make us safer. Yup. Any time the Nefarious Elite say they are doing something for our own good, we all know that something bad is about to happen to us.

Now, I'm not saying that guns should be used or if they are at all necessary, etc. Just that it is very interesting that the government is so desperate to get their hands on OUR guns when they have lots and lots of their own.

So, the narratives the Nefarious Elite insert into the media about magic should be investigated carefully. They are trying to point us in one direction; therefore we must turn around and look in the other direction. I'm afraid I'm going to have to write a second article, that one on "black" magic as practiced by the Nefarious Elite and how it appears in history. It might give us a glimpse of what the Wizard of Oz is busily doing behind that curtain. It's won't be pretty and I don't look forward to it.
























20th Century Religions

“Counterculture,” “spirituality,” and “occultism” are all highly complex and multidimensional concepts that describe domains that also feature a high degree of informality and internal diversity—even contradiction. This makes compressed generalizations about their interaction particularly fraught. -Counterculture and the Occult




















































Note: This investigation is **a work in progress**. Check back soon for more updates!

Wake Up, Neo...

“Though the mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small; Though with patience He stands waiting, with exactness grinds He all.”
― Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

By Geri Roberts

If you are reading this article, you are Awake. And you have my heartiest congratulations on achieving a glimpse of the world as it really is. And my sincerest sympathy. The truth might set you free, but it will never make you happy the way you defined happiness when you were Asleep.

I did not want to Wake Up. My eyes were pried open by rough fingers and I was dragged screaming from my mattress and blankets. But that is a complicated story I won't go into right now. I can tell you that once you Wake Up, however that happens, you cannot fall back to Sleep again. You will want to once you get a good look at what has been going on around you while you were unconscious, but you won't be able to. I know, because I've tried..

And now that you are Awake, the first thing you will want to do is to Awaken others from their Sleep and fill them in on what has been going on. You will want want them to undo their chains and flee the cave of shadows to join you in the sunlight. This will set everyone free and they will thank you, shedding tears of joy.

Some activists will disagree with me, but I believe this to be a very bad idea for two reasons:

The first reason is that nobody will believe you and anything you say or do will only frighten them away. The second reason, and the important one, is that the Nefarious Elite who run this little shop of horrors we call Planet Earth have been doing this for a very long time. They are expert jailers who have studied the psychology of us prisoners for eons. They are so good at it that we don't even KNOW we are prisoners. These people know exactly what you are planning and have taken simple steps to make sure you don't Wake anybody else Up.

These people (if they ARE people--my jury is still out on that) don't have to lift a finger to shut you up. They have simply trained your fellow citizens for many generations to do this for them. Look back through history at what has happened to those who attempted leave a Wakeup call for the human race: They have been burned at the stake, dropped out of helicopters at 10,000 feet, hung from doorknobs, chained to walls in insane asylums, frozen to death in Siberian gulags, fired from their jobs, audited by the IRS, sucked dry by swarms of lawyers and disowned by their families. The lucky ones are only laughed at or ignored.

Some, men of genius who were writers, artists or philosophers, managed to survive long enough to Wake Up a substantial number of people. When this happens, more subtle and sinister traps come into play. I believe these ancient sentinels exist in the form of Archetypes that have been carefully planted into our reality. I've only caught a glimpse of this idea here and there and I am not yet ready to write about it. Maybe I never will be.

The Nefarious Elite have been planning this New World Order nightmare for years and years, hiding beartraps everywhere for us to step into should we try to alert others as to what is coming our way. Here is an example as to how this system works:

My brother-in-law Daniel is an intelligent, college educated professional whom I very much like. When this Great Virus Hoax began last year I said the following words to him when he told me I should wear a mask to protect myself and others::

"Masks don't keep viruses from spreading."

Now, I said nothing about a hoax or that viruses are probably nonexistent. What I said has been accepted by mainstream science and even printed by the CDC.

Daniel laughed at me. "You sound like a conspiracy theorist," he said

Since I AM a conspiracy theorist, and an old one at that, I shut up because I knew he wouldn't listen to anything I said from that point on. But my son Kevin, who is young and idealistic, believed that Daniel's belief system could expanded by a few provable facts. Kevin told him that the words "conspiracy theorist" had been weaponized by the CIA back in the 1960's after the Kennedy Assassination for the mainstream media to use against anyone who questioned the findings of the Warren Commission. .

Daniel replied, right on cue, "I never heard that before. That's just a conspiracy theory."

Rap of the magician's wand. Snap of the fingers. Abracadabra! The magic words are spoken and the human mind, entranced by the babbling media whores, responds exactly as programmed.

I'm not saying we should abandon the struggle entirely. I admit that at times I have wanted to just lie down in a corner and drink myself to death but something inside me will not stop ceaselessly delving and then writing about my delving. I will say that we need to pick our battles wisely and not be tempted into arguments that serve no purpose but to exhaust us and feed strength into our adversaries.

Right now the best thing we can do is think back about how we have been lied to by parents, school, religion, the government, the military; by EVERYBODY. All those people might not have known they were repeating lies, but it really doesn't matter. Consider it like a Life Review of Lies. And we must research and read and then write our ideas about all of it down. Not just listen to podcasts or text friends or watch documentaries. Human critical faculties have atrophied over the past- oh, one hundred and fifty years or so. We cannot help anyone else to think about what is happening to them if we haven't a clue about how to express it to ourselves. We might be sure that something is happening but if we have no reasoned arguments or evidence or even coherent speech about it, we will be reduced to Conspiracy Chicken Littles. And there are too many of those running around selling survivalist supplies on Bitchute.

Then, if we are patient, something good might happen. Somebody might say something while waiting in line next to us in a store, or on an internet forum. Or a young family member who considers us a doddering eccentric might ask us a question at a family get together. And presto--the perfect, correct, startling and thought provoking answer to them leaps into our minds and starts them on their own voyage of discovery. And Wakes them Up.

Will this actually happen to you? Probably not. It hasn't happened to me yet, that I know of. But you most likely will never know it if it does happen. Planting a seed somewhere does not guarantee a blooming flower.

I often think that the Nefarious Elite are trying to panic us, trigger us into violence or distract our attention from things we should be carefully keeping our eyes on. Let's ask ourselves why they are so afraid of little old us, those goofy humans who don't even seem to notice when an Evil Force is trying to take over their Planet. Maybe, just maybe, we are not as weak and stupid as they keep telling us we are...

People must be ready to Wake Up. Otherwise you can fire a cannon by their ear and they will not stir. But if they are ready, nothing in this world will keep them Asleep.


"Who's that whisperin' in the trees? It's two sailors and they're on leave Pipes and chains and swingin' hands Who's your daddy? Yes I am"

Zoot Suit Riot

Cherry Poppin' Daddies

"Who's That Whisperin' in the Trees?" The True Strangeness of the Zoot

by Geri Roberts

Strange things happen to the minds of men in wartime. In 1943 groups of sailors returning to port after long and hazardous service in the Pacific, having spent weeks of stress without benefit of alcohol or female companionship, arrive in Los Angeles, a city crammed with bars, bordellos and beautiful starlets, and immediately hurry off their ships with only one compelling thought in mind:

"Let's search the city for Mexican men in funny looking suits, chase them around, beat them up and rip off their clothes. YAAAAAY! What fun! The women and the booze can wait."

So, does the official story of the zoot suit riots make any sense to you? That wartime sailors on leave in Los Angeles made it their patriotic duty to punish minority youths for wearing clothes that were wasteful of rationed cloth?. Even mainstream historian Kathy Peiss in her excellent book Zoot Suit: The Enigmatic Career of an Extreme Style seems to find the phenomenon of the "riots" inexplicable. She can only hint at their strangeness because she is employed at the University of Pennsylvania where questions such as "Could this have been an early form of intelligence agency social engineering?" would not be welcome. . .

First, we must ask: What is a zoot suit?

According to Cab Calloway (if you don't know who he is, for shame! Go look him up!), the word "zoot" means "exaggerated" and a "zoot suit" is "the ultimate in clothes. The only totally and truly American civilian suit." This definition works for us right now.

The zoot suit featured a brightly colored shirt, very full pants tightened at the ankles, a baggy coat, or drape, a swinging watch chain and a wide brimmed round hat, often feathered. Definitely eye catching during the drabness of the late thirties and the ensuing war years. There are abundant theories about who invented the look and where, when and why it appeared.

My own theory is that this style suit emerged initially as a genuinely home grown phenomenon. It appeared in tandem with swing music because it was impossible to dance the new jitterbug steps in tight fitting clothes.. Young people of the Depression era were often forced economically to wear ill-fitting hand-me downs rather than special dancing clothes. I get the sense of unseen and probably dark forces behind the Big Band era itself and its raucous dances. Yes, I know I see dark forces behind just about everything in history. And it gives me no joy to tell you that the more I dig, the more ugly conspiracies I find. .You can get a definite sense of this undercurrent of unclean magick in the original music video "Zoot Suit Riot" put out by the Cherry Poppin' Daddies in 1997.. (But I have to admit that I really like this song and all the big band era music!)

In the 1950s, this idea of a special costume linked to ideology would pop up among the youth of America once again, almost as if it were planted there, and just in time for the Great Juvenile Delinquency scare with its leather jackets, switchblades and motorcycles. Like so many creative ideas we humans come up with, the music and costumes of each era are suborned into some malevolent and controlling undercurrent..

Now that the words "malevolent and controlling" have been mentioned, it is time for a rant about historians and their hatching grounds--academia.

What exactly is the purpose of "minority studies" in academia? Or of its conjoined twin "Holocaust Studies?." As you listen to the poisonous reptiles who promulgate these ideas, you realize that they voice a mixed message that humans should live together peacefully, while all the time inculcating the insidious narrative that humans are either victims or oppressors. And that must be the sum of our identity as human beings. We must all either suffer or inflict suffering. This victim-oppressor script chains our minds to a whirling wheel of emotion that we must run on, hamster-like, and never stop if we want to get good grades in school and keep our funding from the government. We are never permitted to step off the emotion driven wheel to think logically about WHY our emotions are constantly engaged rather than our minds. Historians of "minority studies" and their ilk have gleefully seized on historical events such as the "Zoot Suit Riots" and incorporated them into their own narratives, whether they fit there or not. Whether they happened or not. Any objective study of these occurrences is forbidden by the Blind Idiot God of Political Correctness.

Humans are divided into races artificially. I believe that, if left to ourselves, we would think of ourselves as living in extended families or tribes.. The Nefarious Elite encourage the exploitation of "race" so that descriptions of racial discrimination can be used to manipulate us emotionally.. I'm not saying these descriptions of cruelty and exploitation of other humans are always inaccurate. Only that there is a deeper reality behind them that we should be aware of. They are part of a narrative scripted and performed to trigger reactions implanted into us by the culture that surrounds us everywhere. We are all victims of mind control from early childhood.

The Civil Rights movement in the United States was necessary to correct civil wrongs but the wrongs themselves were engineered by those who profited from the division of race in the first place. This narrative of hatred and inequality is drilled into us by the media and in the concentration camps called "schools" to make sure we all remain divided from each other for forever and ever.

The zoot suit was pushed onto impressionable teenagers by the press, by Hollywood entertainers in movies, by jazz musicians and by the forerunner of rock n' roll--the Big Bands. Unsurprisingly, even Donald Duck and Goofy joined in. As I read Kathy Peiss' book I noticed statements from older people in the 1930s and 1940s who were confused and concerned by what was happening to their children. They realized that some dark alchemy was being practiced on young people. This realization would be echoed by families throughout the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s and so on..

Inline image

The so-called "Zoot Suit Riots" were the first ominous efforts of the nascent intelligent services to "socially engineer" us. It was not enough that the citizens of Los Angeles were kept fearful of enemy invasion and demoralized by rationing. No--they needed to be terrified of one another. The thought of Americans uniting in any way at all was a very threatening idea. So some street theater was developed to introduce fear of both race AND juvenile delinquency. Two birds with one silly looking stone. Southern Californians are now the unfortunate recipients of the most sophisticated and deadly "social engineering" programs any government ever inflicted on its own people: Gang stalking. And, ladies and gentlemen, I do believe it began right here in 1943.

In her book, Kathy Piess includes this photo on page 120 with the caption "...his facial expression is at odds with his appearance, the result of violent treatment at the hands of the rioters." (Peiss, Kathy. Zoot Suit: The Enigmatic Career of an Extreme Style. (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011)).

A true historian, Ms. Piess valiantly attempts to come up with a believable explanation that fits the accepted narrative for the utter incongruity of the expressions on the faces of people in this photo. There simply isn't one. I suspect that Ms. Peiss suspects something is going on beneath the surface of all this and wants to draw our attention to it. Doesn't it look as if they are all trying to keep a straight face? And by the way, how did this guy's zoot suit baggy pant leg get ripped/cut neatly up to the waist yet his belt remains neatly buckled?. The photo is credited to the Bettman/CORBIS archive, which is a digital stock photography company founded by Bill Gates. I just thought that factoid might be interesting.

Bars and dances in Los Angeles were searched by "sailors" looking for zoot suiters to beat up. I find one incident to be very revealing. A group of sailors entered the Carmen Theater, turned up the house lights, and proceeded to inspect the pants of the men in the audience for zoot bagginess. And all this street theater was enacted by men in easily identifiable costumes who made very sure that that they were noticed.

The zoot suit riots in Los Angeles supposedly set off a wave of racially motivated violence all over the country in which people were reported killed and injured. Historians rely on newspaper headlines and articles for their information about all this and we know how reliable THAT is. Eyewitnesses and participants in the original events have passed on to a better world and seemed to have left little information behind them.. . I can only identify one death that could tentatively be related to the Los Angeles "riots", that of Jose Gallardo Diaz. This 22-year-old farm worker was discovered unconscious near a swimming hole called Sleepy Lagoon in Commerce, California. No definite cause of death was ever determined and although seventeen men were arrested for the "crime" not one single conviction stood on appeal. For some reason that eludes me (not being a trained historian) this incident that took place on August 2, 1942 is described everywhere as a precursor to the Zoot Suit riots of June 1943.

A man named Malcolm Little (1925-1965), better known as Malcolm X, gives us an important perspective on the zoot suit. Growing up in the 1960's I remember hearing the name but paid no attention to him and had no idea that he had actually been assassinated. He appears in Kathy Peiss' book and I give her a great deal of credit for pointing out that his writing is constantly misinterpreted (in other words, twisted) by historians. She presents a summary of what Malcolm X said about the zoot suit and associated phenomena of that era:

"Malcolm X produced a riveting account of his early life as Malcolm Little, a young black man in Boston and New York, where he embraced the world of zoot suiters, jive talk and jitterbug. Recalling those days twenty years later, he saw those urban pleasures as signs of his spiraling degradation as a black man; the son of a Garveyite and radicalized in the Nation of Islam, he understood the complexities of African American politics, but he did not portray street life as a world of political meaning. .Yet Malcolm X is widely accepted as evidence of the zoot suiter as a figure of resistance."*

That is exactly how the process works. A vile alchemy of degradation and cruelty is enacted against a group of people, who are then manipulated into blaming other people and to use their suffering as an excuse to enact the same degradation and cruelty against them. And so on and so forth. And a man like Malcolm X, who was able to step off the whirling wheel of emotion and see into the underlying structure of the narrative, is removed and his words twisted to support the process he is trying to warn us about. Such is the fate of prophets who try to tell us the truth..

