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The Age of Velikovsky by C. J. Ransom (1976).pdf

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Plasma Physics Cosmology

Note: This investigation is a work in progress. Check back soon for more updates!

"There is nothing more powerful than a paradigm. When viewed through the lens of the standard gravitational and magnetohydrodynamic paradigm the Sun blinds us with paradoxes. Meanwhile models based on the electrodynamic behavior of plasma are ignored. The Nobel prizewinning plasma physicist, Hannes Alfvén, was a pioneer in this new plasma cosmology. Two recent discoveries stand out in relation to Alfvén’s predictions so that ultimately he cannot be ignored. The first concerns the birth of stars and the second the electric circuit of the Sun. The Electric Universe extends plasma cosmology and views all stars as an electric discharge phenomenon. -- Wallace W. Thornhill Stars in an Electric Universe 2011

"From the foregoing evidence a distinctive portrait of Saturn emerges. In the earliest age recalled by the ancients the planet— or proto-planet—came forth from the cosmic sea to establish dominion over the primeval Cosmos. The planet-god ruled as the solitary, central light, worshiped as the god One—the only god in the beginning. Saturn's epoch left a memory of such impact that later generations esteemed the god as the Universal Monarch, the first and ideal king, during whose rule occurred the prehistoric leap, from barbarianism to civilization. Throughout Saturn's era of cosmic harmony no seasonal vicissitudes threatened men with hunger or starvation, and men suffered neither labor nor war. In the "creation" Saturn, the primal Seed, ejected the fiery material ("primeval matter"), which congealed into a circle of lesser lights (the Cosmos). The myths describe this resounding birth of the secondary gods as Saturn's "speech: Saturn was the Word or voice of heaven". The ancients conceived Saturn as the visible intelligence bringing forth the Cosmos as his own body and regulating its revolutions. Thus was the planet denominated the Heaven Man—a being eventually recalled as the prototype of the human race—the first ancestor. "When Saturn departed the world, the Golden Age catastrophically ended. This is the universal tale of the dying god, the overthrown "first king" or fallen "first man". Whether betrayed by a dark force, or chastised for having committed the forbidden sin, or inflicted with old age and a weariness of mankind, the result is the same: a corruption of nature and a progressive worsening of the human condition.The story is the first—and one could almost say, only—theme of tragedy and drama in antiquity: Saturn's Golden Age came to a sudden and catastrophic end, either caused by or accompanied by the fall of the great god. That the distant planet Saturn should loom at the center of ancient rites is a fact which conventional wisdom will not easily explain. One looks in vain for any characteristic of Saturn, the present-day planet, which might account for Saturn, the primeval god. "Could the present speck of light have provoked the ancient memory of a creator standing alone in the deep? Or produced the universal legend of the first king and the lost age of abundance? Or inspired the myth of the Heaven Man? " If, as is almost universally believed, the heavens have undergone no major changes in astronomically recent times, then the myth—however meticulously developed—can only be a fabrication, produced through the purest disregard for actual observation and experience. I do not ask the reader to ignore this possibility, and I am fully aware that to many mythologists myth and fancy are synonymous. Since the argument of this book rests on the coherence of the Saturn myth as a whole, and since many details remain to be covered. I urge only a willingness to consider the evidence in its entirety. Whatever the true origins of the myth, it constituted for the ancients a compelling vision—a vision deserving careful study by all students of history, religion, and mythology. -- David Talbott: The Saturn Myth (pages 35-36)

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