
Matsuya department store in Tokyo.jpg







All technological advances in Human History have coincided with acts of war. 1914 saw both the makings of a World War and the advent of small bombers like the Voisin III which was capable of carrying up to 60kg of bombs. 1938 saw the introduction of massive air ships like the Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress leading up to World War II. There is no doubt that both wars were decided in the air, not on the ground.
Note: This investigation is a work in progress. Check back soon for more updates!
Therefore, it is logical to conclude that the Great Wars of the 20th century were perpetuated through international conglomerates like the Boeing Corporation.
Q: You're saying airplane corporations like Boeing caused WW1 & WW2?
Regardless of who caused the Great War, it was bulky cargo jets like Boeing's B Series (B17, B24, B29, B52...) that decided it. The idea was to carry a payload of 10s of thousands of pounds of napalm or white phosphorus munitions, travel many hundreds of miles, and then drop the payload on the target. Of course we know the Germans had the same technology. What they did not have was the willingness to do to their enemies what their enemies were willing to do to them: rain gasoline and fenian fire upon countless men, women, and children in another country from the air, burning them all alive. Saturated air bombing decided WW2. I bet you didn't know we firebombed no less than 67 cities in Japan before they finally surrendered. After the victory of WW2, the coalition bombings continued - spanning 66 years of campaigns in over 32 countries.
Q: Okay, so how did they get Allied pilots to bomb men women and children?
Two things: By employing children soldiers and suppressed technology
Q: Why do children matter?
Using children was the only way the Allies could convince actual air-force pilots to get into the planes and send them hundreds of miles on deadly bombing raids, only to drop gel napalm or WP on children they never met. One well-known example of forcing children into suicide in order to stage a war is the so-called Kamikaze Pilot. We now know from recently recovered pilot letters that Child Kamikazes were unwilling employed to manufacture the Pearl Harbor event.
Armed with this automated unstoppable destructive combination, the Allies were able to win WW2 by brute force alone.
Jumbo jet bombers were responsible for over 15 million deaths during the 20th century as they dropped napalm and other
incendiary bombs over 3 thousand human cities towns and villages. Had the Allies attempted to fight WW2 honorably, we
would not have used children and we wouldn't have used napalm (
or Willy Pete...). The Allies would have
tried to convince our own adult pilots of the necessity of committing genocide against an enemy population oversees.
Those pilots would be well aware of the technology by the end of the war, and would have wanted to use ZPE (and other
technology) to build a peaceful new world. We might have been flying our
own ZPE Porsche HLS's today. Instead
of that future, we were benefacted this coal-powered, earth-bound, global technocracy. This is what world domination
looks like: Airports!
(Fun Fact: The history of allied bombing raids using child pilots became the inspiration behind the book Ender's Game,
where essentially an entire war is fought using children and technology.)
The Allies gave their enemies a simple choice between complete surrender and complete destruction. As a result, Germany, Japan, Italy, North Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia and Libya were completely destroyed by our bombers. Any country that surrendered (allowing in the central bank) didn't receive a bombing campaign, and instead got airports and industrialization as a reward. This is why we keep running live bombing simulations upon countries we have poor relations with. It's an effective threat.
Children coerced into warfare:
"School based propaganda dates back to 1917 when President Wilson commissioned the nation’s first governmental
propaganda agency, the Committee on Public Information (CPI). Schools were targeted because they were a way to reach a
large population and carefully crafted messages could be disseminated to both educators and students thus engineering
consensus on key governmental policies related to the war. Wilson’s strategy was highly successful in gaining support
for the war and established a precedent for the use of educational propaganda during military conflicts."
"The same trend held true during the Great Depression, and a breakdown in child labor law enforcement occurred. Studies
indicated the number of 14- and 15-year-old workers in the shirt industry had spiked. Thirteen-year-olds were working in
Pennsylvania coal mines. Another study revealed that children younger than 11 slaved over piecework in their homes,
earning less than $.10 an hour."
"Boys as young as 14 lied about their age in order to enlist and fight in the Second World War."
"By publishing their letters, the author shows that in general kamikazes were not consenting, and that the higher levels
of hierarchy (none of whom was immolated) forced them take off with airplanes that only had enough fuel to reach the
objective (an enemy ship), but not to return."
https://thestranger.com/slog/archives/2010/11/09/the-myth-of-the-kamikaze-pilot alt link
"A pilot who was 15 years old when he flew heavy bombers over Germany during the Second World War died in 2001 aged
Pearl Harbor was a False Flag Operation
"That’s exactly what I think it is, because this mother of all conspiracies, has been turned into a horrible monster,
the most ruthlessly suppressed, relentlessly hushed up and vicious lie ever forced upon the American public"
"Americans were subjected to a stream of propaganda depicting Japan as bent on “world conquest” even though it is
smaller than Montana." Example: Our Enemy: The Japanese
“In spite of the risk involved, however, in letting the Japanese fire the first shot , we realized that in order to have
the full support of the American people, it was desirable to make sure that the Japanese be the ones to do this, so that
there should remain no doubt in anyone’s mind as to who were the aggressors.”
"No Washington plan to have all the old and “expendable” battleships in port to be sacrificed would have been possible
without Halsey’s cooperation."
Allied bombing campaigns continue after WW2:
“List of countries the USA has bombed since the end of World War II: China 1945-46 Korea 1950-53 China 1950-53 Guatemala
1954 Indonesia 1958 Cuba 1959-60 Guatemala 1960 Belgian Congo 1964 Guatemala 1964 Dominican Republic 1965-66 Peru 1965
Laos 1964-73 Vietnam 1961-73 Cambodia 1969-70 Guatemala 1967-69 Lebanon 1982-84 Grenada 1983-84 Libya 1986 El Salvador
1981-92 Nicaragua 1981-90 Iran 1987-88 Libya 1989 Panama 1989-90 Iraq 1991 Kuwait 1991 Somalia 1992-94 Bosnia 1995 Iran
1998 Sudan 1998 Afghanistan 1998 Yugoslavia – Serbia 1999 Afghanistan 2001 Libya 2011
"'Long, leisurely and merciless' US bombing campaign: well over half a million tons of bombs dropped, napalm and
chemical weapons deployed, cities levelled."
"Sixty-six Japanese cities were area-bombed with napalm, and 100,000 died in the Tokyo attack alone—this despite the
announced policy of the Army Air Force that it engaged only in precision bombing against military targets and did not
attack civilians."
Remember Kosovo in 1999 under Clinton?
"Several thousand missile and bombing raids were carried out over Yugoslavia during the NATO aggression. Several tens of
thousands of bombs and missiles were dropped with a total weight of more than 22,000 tons. A large number of historical
and architectural sites and monuments were destroyed, along with hundreds of schools, universities, libraries, and more
than 20 hospitals. Nearly 40,000 homes were completely destroyed or damaged."
All technological advances in Human History have coincided with acts of war.
Japan was Napalmed (Nuke Bombs are Fake):
"TNT could have been used to fabricate any A-Bomb test. And yes, conventional bombs can and do produce the classic
mushroom clouds that we routinely associate with atomic bombs."
"In the early hours of March 10, 1945, 279 US B-29s then dropped 1.665 tons of napalm bombs on Tokyo, killing
approximately 100,000 civilians in a single night. Almost 270,000 buildings were destroyed"
"The US firebombing campaign destroyed 180 square miles of 67 cities, killed more than 300,000 people and injured an
additional 400,000, figures that exclude the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki"












